Here is one more outstanding N Scale model train layout. This is a beautifully built 3′ X 5′ N scale layout. This layout is designed so beautifully and looks extremely realistic. Here’s a collection of images of this wonderful N scale model train layout!
Work in Progress!
The building work is in progress! Various base components are successfully installed.
Layout Under Development
The layout is under progress. Foam is used to create mountains. Trees are placed to give layout a natural and realistic look.
Tunnels are formed and these tunnels are giving extraordinary and wonderful look to the layout. Tunnels are passing by from the mountains. This is simply amazing! 🙂
Railroads are the basic components of any layout and proper measures must be taken while implanting rail roads in the model. Railroads are beautifully placed in this layout.
Basic model train layout
Our basic layout is almost ready! Everything is placed on proper place it’s the time to touch up the layout.
Railroad side
You can see a beautiful home in this image. Buildings are incredible part of any layout. These buildings increases the beauty of the layout.
Work Shop
This is a beautiful office or you can say an amazing work shop. Workers are busy with their daily schedule and working hard for the smooth operation of the railways! 😉
Amazing functionality
Your thinking must be very creative while creating any model train layout and you should always try innovative ideas. This leads to built an amazing layout! 🙂
River is also created in this layout and this is giving an amazing look to the layout. The river is passing by our beautifully designed bridge!
Time to repair!
Workers are fixing the engine. You can see an engine on which workers are working. These things may look simple. However, these are the key components which gives a killer look to the layout.
Work is almost done!
This amazing layout is almost ready! You can view beautiful buildings and various other components which are giving wonderful and realistic looks to our model train.
Night View
Light bulbs are also used in this layout to operate it in night and see how a model train looks at night. You can use led bulbs which are easily available in the market.
Railroads at night
See how beautiful is our layout looks at night. Railroads are looking simply amazing! 🙂
City night view
Light bulbs are beautifully used everywhere. This is simply awesome! These wonderful led bulbs are simply increasing the beauty of the layout!
3×5 N Scale Layout
3×5 N scale track layouts can fit in smaller spaces than the more popular HO scale.
As you will see in the layout we’re discussing today, the N scale is ideal for a large scenery to track ratio and, therefore, looks more realistic. The N scale is also a good option for running longer trains in a limited space.
The track plan below spans 3×5 feet or 30×60 inches. It’s designed to run multiple trains simultaneously. The detailed scenery is modeled after the railroader’s hometown in the 1970s. You can easily build this layout on your coffee table and other compact spaces.
3×5 N Scale Track Plan

A double mainline route outlines the model railroad in which multiple trains can travel in opposite directions. In the middle of the layout, a single line is laid out in figure eight.
The roadbed is made from foam painted with a stone textured spray paint, and it rests on a plywood base. You can try applying ballast on the rail tracks instead of the spray paint for a more realistic look.

Turnouts guide your trains from one rail track to another, and they’re among the trickiest parts of model railroads. The types of turnouts on this layout include wyes and curved switches. Due to its compact design, some of the turnouts on this track plan have a relatively sharper radius, which might make your trains derail.
To avoid derailments, install high guard rails on your turnouts. The turnout blades should be sharpened and at the same height or slightly higher than the top of the rails. Make sure to smooth all sharp angles with a file as well.

The scenery in this track plan shows an industrial setting with a town beside it. The industrial part shows a twentieth-century coal-mining operation and power plant. The midwestern town on the other side has apartment buildings, shops, a hill, and a park.
Some of the buildings in the town are laid out on a slope, inspired by San Francisco apartments. The industrial part of the layout is inspired by the railroader’s childhood in Joilet, IL.

The N scale layout leaves just enough space for a train station, which is laid out in the middle of the industrial facilities and the town. The station itself appears to be designed for passengers, although you can customize it for both passengers and goods.
The station is also relatively straightforward to build since you don’t have to add a terminus or diverging tracks. The trains can just run through it.

Another exciting aspect of this track plan is the tunnel under the green hill. The trains can enter the tunnel from two entrances which have one exit. However, this design comes with the issue of a turnout being inside the tunnel.
A hidden turnout can be challenging to monitor. In addition, derailments can also occur, which may become difficult to fix. You can try adjusting the design to avoid placing the turnout under the hill.