Searching for complete N scale train layouts that fit all of your requirements can feel like a daunting task. Any model railroad that looks complete will contain a few major components. The first component of a complete n scale train layout is the track plan itself. Track plans vary is types such as closed route, continuous and point to point.
The next part to keep in mind for your model railroad to choose DC or DCC wiring to power the trains on your layout. The electrical current powering your railroad will determine the speed at which your trains can run and how fun your model train layout is to use.
Now let’s get into some actual complete N scale train layouts that you can use for design ideas when constructing your model railroad.
1. Vertical N Scale Layout 5’x10′

This N scale layout is around 5 feet by 10 feet and is movable for easy access across any side of the table. It was mainly built in a vertical fashion due to the limited space available. Due to the lack of space, the only direction to build was upwards. It contains 3 different levels and can run up to four locomotives including both steam and diesel.
2. Complete N Scale Layout View

This long view shot of the complete N scale layout displays all its glory. The level of detail and how clean the craftsmanship really distinguishes it. In this view, you can see the how the height of the mountain scenery and the long trackwork. The n scale track plan is a continuous running track type without any specific point where the locomotives can stop.
3. N Gauge Scenic Ridge Layout

The initial theme of this N scale layout was called Manning Oaks but eventually it switched to a Scenic Ridge layout instead. It contains cleanly laid trackwork along with regular scenery items such as trees, water and buildings. The long version of the shot shows more of an end to end view and captures majority of the major elements of the layout.
4. Figure Eight N Scale 2’x4′ Layout

Figure eight track plan layout is 2’x4′ dimensions and is using Atlas flex track. The flex track is surrounded by ballast as substrate to give it an authentication look. This n scale layout also has a tunnel that cuts right through a mountain, which allows trains to pass through it.
5. Hollow Core Door Layout

The layout was built using a hollow core door that contains 1″ insulation foam. The mountains are also created using left over foam. The locomotives that run on the layout were part of a starter kit that also included Kato track and diesel style locomotives.
6. N Scale Coffee Table Layout

This layout fully utilizes the space that a rectangular coffee table can provide. Obviously, you should expect that a coffee table would not be able to accommodate as much room as other, larger surfaces. But the person who built this model railroad was able to fill out every inch of space with trees, buildings, cars, ballast, and even some miniature animals. If you’re looking for coffee table n scale layout ideas, this is a good source of inspiration.
7. N Scale Logging Layouts

Plenty of details were added to this N scale lumber yard layout to make it look as realistic as possible. The photo above depicts an average day of sorting logs. Logs are piled at the center, while a pulley system is used to lift bundles of them. Notice how real the rocky terrain looks. Among other things, this was achieved through the well-spaced patches of grass. When applying grass on terrain like this, it’s important to make it look random and natural.
8. 3×6 N Scale Layouts

The great thing about 3×6 N scale layouts is that they don’t need too much space to look beautiful. If you don’t know how big is 3×6, take a look at the image above for an example. You can clearly see that it’s a small layout. However, because the modeller was smart with the use of space, it doesn’t look limited or empty at all. The stretches of grass fill out the space wonderfully, while the various houses create an idyllic and picturesque scenery.
9. Kato N Scale Layouts 2×4

Even small Kato N scale layouts can make for picture-perfect models. Using Kato Unitrack, this layout is highly durable and easy to use for beginners. From this angle you can see some of the most interesting details like the mouth of the tunnel and the realistic ballast under the tracks. There’s also a rock formation, some houses, a water tank, a bright orange truck, and the bottom of a mountain with grass around the edge.
10. Small N Scale Train Layouts

N scale train layouts are appropriate for small spaces. If you don’t believe that, then take a look at the picture above. Making up for the tight space are all these details and elements that bigger layouts may not even be able to accommodate. There are up to four tunnels, a bridge, and even a small mountain. As if that wasn’t enough, there are also houses in the middle. This just goes to show that, with enough creativity and planning, you can successfully create a complete N scale layout in a small space.